A good Healer, they say, must use his Gift professionally. Really? No one in my past world would spout such nonsense! Everyone there knew full well what a Healer from the Order was capable of . . . And they also know that a Healer doesn't have to kowtow to anybody.
But now, I'm no longer in that world. And in this world, I am not only a great Healer, I am also a great count, one that can do far more than heal, as my enemies know full well. But little do they know that I've only just begun!
I'm on my way to restoring the Bulatov Family's fiefdom, and I have everything I need now, including forces from another world. Yes, why wouldn't Offworlders want to serve me? After all, the benefits I provide are excellent, especially the health care.
Of course, in return they must work hard . . . What can I say? Either work, or keep out of my way!
Science Fiction & Fantasy, High Tech and Hard Science Fiction, Science Fiction - Cyber Tales