For Marc and his party, their current quest seems to drag on and on. Clearing the Labyrinth, defeating Circe, destroying Medusa, and more have become a grind. The main factor that keeps them going is that Zeus is keeping his promise by helping their levels shoot up.
Meanwhile, Marc's Safe Zone, Any Port, and the accompanying Safe Zone network continue expanding and growing. They keep him busy whenever he manages to get back home on breaks from the quest.
With the Egyptians finally removed from Olympus, Marc is overjoyed that Beggar, and now Matilda as well, will be joining them to finish their quest.
With the end of the acclimatization year rapidly approaching, Marc, his group, and his father are all worried about who might arrive at the end of the first year and are taking steps to ensure that it will be difficult to smother their growing Safe Zone network by surrounding it.
Science Fiction & Fantasy, Other Science Fiction Categories, Action & Adventure Science Fiction