Auto Text: Bulk SMS Scheduler v5.6.7

whiteandgrey89    12 Mar 2025, 14:54 Programy / Inne 0

Auto Text: Bulk SMS Scheduler v5.6.7

Auto Text: Bulk SMS Scheduler v5.6.7

Requirements: Android 7.0+ | File size: 18,08 MB

A total auto message tools to help you send and reply messages automatically in SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram and more.

A few examples of how Auto Text can help you to plan your communication ahead of time
- Auto send new year & birthday messages to your friends
- Auto reply to new messages or missed calls without touching your phone
- Send bulk messages to unsaved contacts, you can import contacts from sheet/CSV file.
- Auto generate message content by using variable list that we defined for you like {FIRST_NAME}, {RECEIVED_MESSAG} {TIME_12H}, {LOCATION_ADDRESS} and more.
- Send recurring messages with various repeated options (e.g every 15 minutes, weekly, monthly).
These are just a few examples, the app has more features might be useful for you.
Scheduling - Text Yourself - Text Reminder
- Auto send message at exactly future time or range-time.
- Schedule posts for WhatsApp status, Tweets or E-mail to be sent later.
- Repeat text messages
- Text message to yourself to remind you for important things
Mass Text Message - Bulk SMS
- Easy send bulk messages to multiple contacts.
- Group text to peoples in seconds.
- Send messages to any numbers, groups, topics and broadcast list.
Text Auto-reply - Away Message
- Auto reply to received messages while your are busy or driving.
- Auto respond to missed calls or ended calls.
- Auto reply with text that includes current location.
- Fully customize your own reply rules by filtering contacts or text keywords.
- Away time - set the right time to send your reply.
- Simple On/Off with just one tap.
- Support all popular messaging apps: SMS, WA, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram, Instagram, Signal, Viber, Skype.
Voice Reminder - Call Assistant
- Hear your remind without looking at your phone.
- Quickly take note after a call ended.
- Handle all calls quickly with useful after-call options.
Fake Incoming Call
- Create a fake caller to prank of your friends or rescue yourself from awkward situations.



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Informacje na temat artykulu:

  • Autor artykułu: whiteandgrey89
  • Data publikacji: 12 Marzec 2025 14:54
  • Kategoria(-e) artykułu: Programy / Inne
  • Liczba wyświetleń: 0
  • Liczba komentarzy do artykułu: 0

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