The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories - [AUDIOBOOK]mp3, pdf | 51.18 MB |
Autor: Washington Irving |
Rok: 2023
Washington Irving's short stories have captured the imaginations of generations since they were originally published in the early nineteenth century. His timeless characters like Ichabod Crane, the Headless Horseman, and Rip Van Winkle, are among the earliest of truly American literary figures. Complete and unabridged, this elegantly designed edition features a new introduction. The Knickerbocker Classics bring together the works of classic authors from around the world in stunning gift editions to be collected and enjoyed. Complete and unabridged, these elegantly designed cloth-bound hardcovers feature a slipcase and ribbon marker, as well as a comprehensive introduction providing the reader with enlightening information on the author's life and works.
Category:Fiction, Literature, Kids, Fiction Subjects, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Fiction & Literature Classics, Literary Styles & Movements - Fiction, Fiction Classics - Other, General & Miscellaneous - Kids Fiction, American Fiction & Literature Classics
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