Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense - [AUDIOBOOK]m4b | 482.54 MB |
Autor: Hugh Ross, Tom Parks |
Rok: 2024
Theologians, pastors, and churchgoers face a growing crisis. An increasing number of respected evangelical scholar's say it's time to rethink the bedrock doctrine of biblical inerrancy. They claim that new scientific findings necessitate an overhaul of inerrancy for Christianity to remain viable in the intellectual sphere.
In Rescuing Inerrancy, astrophysicist Hugh Ross offers a scientific defense of biblical inerrancy. He provides evidence for a moderate concordist view of dual revelation-the notion that God faithfully reveals himself in the book of Scripture and the book of nature. Ross's survey of the latest scientific evidence will equip you to defend this historical view and instill confidence that the testimony of nature will always concord with the words of Scripture.
Category:Bibles & Christianity, Religion, Christianity, Theology, Christian, Apologetics (Christian)
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