Napoleon's Marshals (Illustrated) - [AUDIOBOOK]pdf, m4b | 764.03 MB |
Autor: R. P. Dunn-Pattison, Amanda Lee (Editor) |
Rok: 2013
• The book is an edited and illustrated version of the original one and includes 25 or more unique illustrations which are relevant to its content.
• Of the twenty-six Marshals, nine had held commissions ranging from lieutenant-general to lieutenant in the old royal army, one was a Polish Prince, an ex-Austrian officer, while one had passed the artillery college but had refused to accept a commission; eleven had commenced life as privates in the old service, and of these, nine had risen to the rank of sergeant; and four had had no previous military training. It must also be remembered that the standard of the non-commissioned rank in the royal army just before the Revolution was extremely high. The reforms of St. Germain and the popularity of the American War had enticed into the ranks a high class of recruits, with the result that the authorities were able to impose tests, and no private could rise to the rank of corporal, or from corporal to sergeant, without passing an examination.
Category:History, European History, French History, General & Miscellaneous French History
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