For The Love Of Andy: A True Story Of A Mother Who Struggles As She Watches Her Son Disappear Into The World Of Autism - [AUDIOBOOK]m4b | 499.95 MB |
Autor: Kathy Minet Cady, Sherrie Lueder (Editor), Dawn Taarud (Editor) |
Rok: 2021
After growing up in a family where her mother had it out for her, Kathy married hoping for love and security, but it was not to be. Her boozing, drug seeking husband was in and out of her life leaving Kathy to raise three children alone. Her third child Andy, had a smile that would light up a room. That light soon faded into heartache as he disappeared into the world of autism after his second vaccinations. Kathy searched for answers. Finding none, she was left alone to deal with an uncontrollable, nonverbal child with Pica.When Andy reached school age Kathy made the excruciating decision to place him in a facility. While there, he swallowed a handful of pine needles leading to near death and had been physically abused. Kathy brought him home, and now faced with a teenager who stood six-foot three with an arm span like the wings of an eagle, she looked to her ex-husband for help. He moved in with her and her new husband. Kathy soon realizes her decision put all their lives in danger, but for the "Love of Andy" she is determined to come out alive
Category:Parenting & Family, Children with Special Needs, Autism and Asperger's Syndrome - Popular works
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