The Narrow Seas - [AUDIOBOOK]m4b | 423.74 MB |
Autor: James L. Nelson, Shaun Grindell |
Rok: 2023
Thorgrim Night Wolf and his men, hunkered down behind their ad hoc defenses and facing off against the powerful army of Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, must find some means to continue their voyage home. But Æthelwulf, too, is trapped, unable to set sail on his pilgrimage to Rome while the powerful fleet of Northmen remains at his doorstep. It's only when the enigmatic Felix proposes a solution, acceptable to both sides, that the impasse is broken. It is a solution that will take them across the narrow seas that separate England from Frankia, one that will take Thorgrim and Louis de Roumois that much closer to their homes, and into even greater danger on the other side.
As Thorgrim fights for his survival, his son Odd, leader of the nascent rebellion against Halfdan the Black, takes his first tentative steps out of hiding. Odd and his brothers-in-arms, still outlaws and wanted men, must gauge the threat that awaits them as they make their secret way toward their former homes. The truth, however, is soon revealed; Halfdan's fury has not abated, and he and his men will stop at nothing to run Odd to earth and crush him and his rebellion once and for all.
Category:Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Thrillers, Historical Thrillers
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