Art of the Soul in Ink - [AUDIOBOOK]m4b | 194.37 MB |
Autor: Tumelo Mahlakoane |
Rok: 2010
The book is 64 paged with only two poems in her venacular(sepedi).The poems are motivated by personal experiences,thoughts and nature be it love,politics,religion and death.The book is in a simple language that everybody at any age can easily relate to the work.The poems are not titled because the author says"It was my soul wrriting not me,and i want people to relate to the work and give a title depending on what they feel.I am reaching out to everyone anywhere in any situation,therefore my reader will have to be creative and come up with a topic".The book cover is a picture of the authors late grandmother Makgabo Mabitja Johanna Kabe,she passed away in 2006 and the book is an honouray from the author for all the hard work the lady put in grooming Tumelo Mahlakoane.
Category:Poetry, General & Miscellaneous Poetry, Poetry - General & Miscellaneous
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