The darkest days of Paris, 1790s. Riots ignite the street, classes struggle for power, and death rests at the foot of the guillotine. For Ani, the French Revolution is a catalyst for bringing down the corrupt aristacy and avenging her fallen family, until she unwittingly befriends a high-ranking military nobleman who exposes the dark conspiracies of her own father' s past. Suspenseful twists, action-packed battles, narrow escapes, and daring feats of espionage find Ani walking a thin line between both sides of an epic clash brought to life in rich, gritty detail and sensory terror. When Ani becomes a pawn of rival political factions in this hostile, rapidly changing environment where naming suspects and pointing fingers is the only way to survive, eventually someone must get betrayed— either those she' s always trusted or those who' ve newly shown that trust itself might be a lie.